
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Salted Egg Potato Chips Craze has now landed in Manila

One of the pioneers of Salted Egg Potato Chips in Singapore is Irvin's, and in my opinion, their version still remains the best. My review on that, which you can read here, is actually one of the top articles on google when you search for them. 

However, like all good things in life, it's not that easy to get hold of Irvin's Salted Egg Potato Chips. You can buy them from their Pop-Up Stores, but unless you email them to reserve, in the few times I managed to visit, they didn't have any stock to sell, so in reality, they just served as a Pop-Up pick-up point. They also discontinued the SG$7 pack, so you are now forced to buy a big bottle for SG$15, so this addiction gets quite pricey.

You can also order in advance and ask them to deliver, but delivery is only free if you spend more than SG$100, so the cost really adds up.

On one visit, because there was limited supply, I convinced them to sell me
4 bottles! Hello Impulse Purchase, I couldn't believe I spent Php2000 on
Potato Chips just because I was competitive.

Because of the popularity of Irvin's and their supply issue, there have been other suppliers that have copied this wonderful concept. Most of them are all online stores, with Pop-Up locations around Singapore where you can pick up your order, and here is a quick review of what I have tried.

Frenzies Salted Egg Potato Chips
Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/siantanfrenzies/
One of my friends from work prefer Frenzies. A big jar is SG$14, and I
have seen photos where they offer a 10+1 deal.
How to Buy: 
Check out their Pop-Up Store schedule on facebook, or message them to order. SG$150 minimum order for free delivery.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siantanfrenzies/

My friend prefers Frenzies over Irvin's because she finds it less oily. However, when she shared with me one of the bottles she ordered, I thought the chips didn't taste fresh, despite it having been delivered just two days before. It might be psychological though because I noticed that the bottle didn't have an expiry date indicated. Or it may be that they really have an issue with managing First In First Out with their supply. Taste and Spice Level wise, it was okay.

The Golden Duck Gourmet Salted Egg 
I was able to try this when my friend sent some to me in Manila from
Singapore. SG$7 per pack

How to Buy:
Visit their retail partners or order from their online store.

Their pack, while more affordable, is less convenient for bringing outside Singapore. When I got the pack my friend sent me, the chips were mostly crushed. Taste-wise, while you can't mistake the salted egg flavor, this brand was sweeter and less spicy than Irvin's or Frenzies.

Recently, the salted egg potato chips craze has hit Manila as well. In the last few weeks, I have heard of at least three brands, mainly from social media, that have started offering this addictive goodies but I have only tried one.

Chips N Tub
I was supremely thrilled when someone contacted me through this blog to ask if she could send me some of her mom's Salted Egg Potato Chips and of course I said yes. She immediately delivered some to my home the next day and explained to me that they use fresh homegrown potatoes, curry leaves and chilies. They use fresh salted eggs because her mom also makes mooncakes. 
The tubs are slightly smaller than Irvin's and Frenzies
priced at Php250 for pick-up, and Php280 from resellers.
How to Buy:
Message them through Mobile or Viber at +63 920 98 26882 (last 5 digits stands for CNTUB) or email them at chipsntub@gmail.com. They have pick-up locations in Manila, QC, Caloocan and Valenzuela.

At first glance, it looked like some of the chips were lighter (less flavored than the others), so when I tried it, I immediately went for the darker ones and for something available in the Philippines, I can say that these chips are really good. What I love about them is they really get the spice level right. There's enough of a bite but it doesn't overwhelm. The chips were very fresh, however, the batch we tried was a bit on the salty side, so if you get a less flavored one, and stop eating more after that, it tastes a bit like Lay's Salted Potato Chips. The nice lady who sent me some to try asked me to give them feedback, so I am looking forward to buying some so I can try them again. But it's not really a problem, just keep eating more to enjoy the Salted Egg flavor. 

I think with this option in Manila, I am only willing to bring home Salted Egg Potato Chips from Singapore if it comes from Irvin's because I still think they are the best, but my sister and I have a plan to compare it with Chips N Tub the next time we have some because it might just be that based on what we think we remember. However, Chips N Tub can definitely give the rest of the Singapore brands a run for their money, plus it's so much more accessible too, especially if you live in Manila.  just saying.

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