Monday, January 29, 2018

Coley's Super Easy Homemade Takoyaki Recipe (Octopus and weird ingredients not required)

When I was in Tokyo for a vacation 5 years ago, my favorite purchase was a Takoyaki maker, which I thought was a steal for less than 1,000JPY.

The box says for use in Japan only, so I lied and said I lived in Japan,
but what they actually meant was to warn me that the machine was 110volts.

After 5 years, I finally decided to try out my machine. I looked through a lot of recipes online, disregarded anything complicated and then tweaked it based on my preference.

Homemade Takoyaki Recipe

1. Measure 1 cup flour and 1 tablespoon + 1.5 teaspoons cornstarch, add 1 egg, 1 cup water and 1 knorr cube (dissolved in the water)
2. Add 1 tablespoon Kikkoman and another 1 cup water
3. Mix well with whisk and refrigerate for 30 minutes (it also turns out well if you have no time or no patience to wait).

4. Prepare your filling.
I used cabbage and cheese and spam and cheese for my second attempt. They both turned out well.

5. When you're ready to start, brush your takoyaki cooker with olive oil.
Then heat it for awhile, then put in the filling, before pouring in the batter until full.

My first attempt was quite messy.
I attempted to copy the takoyaki vendors, but it's not easy to put the filling
after the batter, and shooting them into the holes if you're not an expert. 
Taste-wise, it turned out quite well though.
Since we didn't have any terriyaki or tonkatsu sauce, I used sriracha with
Japanese Mayo instead as topping and it was delish!

I couldn't get over my messy takoyaki balls, and I remembered that some takoyaki stalls use the ketchup bottle for better control over the batter... so I went to the supermarket, bought myself a bottle for Php55, and attempted to make takoyaki again. This time with Spam and Cheese too.

The ketchup bottle is truly a game changer!

This recipe was tailored to my own personal taste and it doesn't pretend to be close to the original takoyaki you buy from Osaka. just saying.

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