Monday, July 30, 2012

Sofia's Playdate Sweetheart Cupcakes

On our last night in Urbana, Sofia and I made cupcakes for the playdate Sofia's having with two of her classmates who both say that she's their best friend.

The mom of Sofia's friend who lives near us (where we lived) volunteered to host it and the kids could play and swim. Since we still had some cupcake mix from Australia, we wanted to use it since mix is a sin to use in our Manila home where all the baked goodies is made from scratch! so we could bring something. 

Thank you Auntie Pami for the Sweetheart Cupcake Mix.
Sofia added all the ingredients as directed.
Mixing the batter like a pro.
She even used the timer.
Thanks for the timer also Auntie Pami!
After beating the batter for 3 minutes it becomes light and fluffy.
It looks good... Mom forgot to start the timer
so we just did the old toothpick test to see if it was done.
The Vanilla icing also comes with the mix.
We added more butter so it won't be too sweet.
The secret in filling an icing bag is to use a glass.
The cupcakes were good.
Sofia preferred hers with no icing.
We made smiley cupcakes for Sofia and her friends.
Green for Vedant, Red for Raima and Purple for Sofia.
We also made an extra one per kid for the mommy or the nanny.

Sofia really loves baking. When we were in Paris for the weekend I was trying to have a serious talk with Sofia and I was telling her that our life was not always going to be about trips to Disneyland, Legoland and shopping in between. I told her that when we moved back to the Philippines our life will be simple again because we would not have as much money. And with the same seriousness in her tone she told me, "It's okay mommy... when we don't have a lot of money anymore we can make cupcakes so that we can sell them." (I swear, my heart just melted!)

If I had a crystal ball, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sofia become a Pastry Chef who owns a Patisserie more famous than La Duree when she grows up (my fingers are crossed for it to be located in Paris too). Just Saying. 

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