
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Second hand clothes and accessories sold by weight at the Kilo Shop in the Marais

In the Philippines, second hand clothing shops are quite common, especially in Baguio (destination for UK UK or Ukay-Ukay, which I think is local slang for hukay or dig, as you literally need to dig through a mountain of second hand clothes in this type store). These shops used to be the place to go for "imported pre-loved items" as it was believed that the merchandise they sell are actually relief goods donated from other countries, though I am not really sure how they got them or how their sourcing strategy works.

In more advanced countries, second hand shops are normally run by a charity, like the Salvation Army, or in posher areas, they're referred to as Vintage Shops.

In Paris, there are a lot little Vintage shops in the Marais, selling Chanel and the like in their window, but from what I've seen, the price still tends to be on the high side. If you're not really looking for a particular item for your collection, I don't really get why people would buy from them.

One store (actually chain of stores) that caught my attention when we were walking around the Marais the last time I was in Paris was the Kilo Shop

You could say, it's the Parisian version of Ukay Ukay, with second hand clothes and accessories for sale by weight, no less!
In English
Same message in French.
The scheme is simple enough. Prices vary by color.
The store is well organized too. No need to dig for anything here.
They even have a sample of how much a piece of
clothing weights and costs on average.
To know the price, just press the correct color.
Even their scale is old school meets digital age.
I loved the look and feel of the store, and the sense it gives
me that I might just find a treasure, if I looked hard enough.
Their clothes come from every where.
It's displayed by theme too, so it's easy to find something.

I didn't really find anything to buy.
Out of curiosity, a banged up gold clutch costs around 9 Euros.

Since I never know when to quit, and since the Kilo Shops in the Marais are quite close to each other, I dragged Ady to check out the other stores, since you never know when you're going to find something. The next shop we entered was actually just 2 doors away from the first one.

In this Kilo shop that we visited, accessories had fixed prices!
I was tempted by this Vintage clutch, except I didn't
really like the small Gucci wanna be logo.

Still not willing to quit, I dragged Ady to another branch along Saint Germain since we were walking towards Saint Michel anyway.
This one was a big store!
They even had Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior bags, but at 750-990 Euros,
thanks but no thanks!
This is me and Ady after I quit trying to find something
to buy.

Well, maybe I'll be luckier next time. It's definitely something different you can do, if you're just walking around in Paris. just saying.

Kilo Shop Paris Le Marais
69-71 rue de la verrerie 
75004 Paris

Kilo Shop Paris Saint Germain
125 Bld St Germain 
75006 Paris

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your idea about buying a secondhand clothes. I really need this because I am looking for a secondhand item. I don't have enough budget to buy a brand new clothes. By the way, I already bought my secondhand shoes on this website http://www.boex.tv/ and it seems that they have many designs to choose there. You can visit it for more details.
