
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dinner at Union in Jakarta

Sad how the recent terrorist attacks targeted Jakarta a few days ago, with multiple bombings, similar to the Paris attack. I visit Jakarta quite often in line with my new job, and have also made many new friends and I pray for their safety and that of their loved ones.

Time to reminisce to a nice cozy dinner I had with Di, a Filipino friend who was assigned to work in Jakarta for a few months, the last time I was there.

We went to Union, a Brasserie, Bakery and Bar in Jakarta's Plaza Senayan Mall, a few minutes away from the hotel where we stay. They must be pretty popular, because not only our reservations required, they have two multiple seatings for dinner, and when you arrive, they give you a card that tells you until what time you're allowed to occupy your table. They're not too strict though, especially since their service still needs improvement and is quite slow.  

The ambiance of Union is very nice, and it's definitely a good place to unwind after a long day at work.

Di and I ordered what we wanted to eat, but agreed to share.
French Onion Soup
Foie Gras burger, you can already tell that this was my order right

Scallop Pasta which Di was craving for
The food was good, I just couldn't figure out why we didn't manage to finish it. I think we were both full from lunch and we both got distracted with catching up.

Another specialty of the place is their Red Velvet Cake.
I was told that you need to order together with your main because it might
run out.
Always great catching up with you Di! Thanks for meeting up with me.
Hello cuties at the back.
I'm flying back to Indonesia again on the last week of this month, as long as there is no company travel ban in place. #KamiTidakTakut (We are not afraid.) Terrorism will not win, stop this mindless attacks. just saying.

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