
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thank You 2015, We can't wait for what's in store - 2016!

2015 has been really great! 

Looking back, I can surely say, it's definitely the year where I spent most time on an airplane, and if you love travelling us much as I do, then that's a good thing. 

This time last year, I only had 5 trips planned for the coming year. Two long haul ones (London, Paris, Lyon in Feb and Turkey, Greece in August) and 3 short ones around Asia (Bangkok with Auntie Celit, 1 Direction in Singapore, Cherry Blossoms in Osaka). Surprisingly, when I looked through my planner, I ended up taking 25-26 trips in all, and the counting got sort of confusing because there were times when I had to fly out on the same say I landed. 

Here is a snap shop of all my favorite memories from 2015.

First trip of 2015 was to Bangkok with Auntie Celita, and it's always a joy
to meet her friend Kun Supanee, who manages to sell anything she touches.
Totally, unplanned, but I hope to be like her.
Skip to milestones in 2015 if you wish to read more. 
Bangkok, January 2015
That's Erawan Shrine in the background, same one that was bombed later in the
year. That red bag died (different cause).  Lesson: Enjoy everything while it lasts.
You can read about our Bangkok Trip here or Sofia's version of it here.
Chinese New Year Dinner with Ady in Four Seasons London
Lesson: Order everything you want, even if you can't finish it.
Best to usher in the Chinese New Year with a full tummy and prosperity,
and what a prosperous year it was.
London, February 2015
Borough Market Food Tour - Thanks to Mia!
You can read about our London Trip here.
First time in Lyon, and I loved it.
Lyon, February 2015
I've had a lot of good French meals, but the Bouchons in Lyon, are something
to come back for.
You can read about our trip to Lyon here.
Paris, February 2015
I will always be at home in Paris. Looking at photos,
I realized all I do in Paris is eat, drink coffee and shop,
and I would gladly do it year after year. 
You can read about our trip to Paris here and here.
Singapore, March 2015
1D Concert in when the band was still complete.
This trip was all for Fi, and maybe Ninong Tim.
You can read about the 1Direction Concert here.
Legoland Hotel Malaysia, March 2015
 You can read about our stay at the Legoland Hotel in Malaysia here.
We like Japan but it was our first time to visit during Cherry Blossom Season.
Osaka, April 2015
You can read about Cherry Blossoms in Osaka here, and Sofia's version of that trip here.

Then, I started travelling from work... (and of course for Personal too) so it got sort of crazy.
Puncak, Indonesia, June 2015
You can read about my first trip to Indonesia here.
Hong Kong Trip with Fi and the Office mates
June 2015
You can read about our Hong Kong weekend here.
Ho Chi Minh City, July 2015
First work trip with my Sha, my new teammate
 You can read about our Vietnam trip here.
On my first work trip back to Singapore, I realized that
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and  coffee were now free!
I make sure I get 2 a day, to average everything I paid
for when I was working there. Hahaha.
Always good to see Anson.
Singapore, July 2015.
You can read about my Singapore trip here.
Due to conflicting schedules, I had to fly directly to Bangkok for Jem's Bachelorette.
Bangkok, July 2015
You can read about Jem's Bacelorette here.
Bangkok, July 2015
Then I had to go back to Bangkok for work the week after!
Got to visit a Local Food Market near the office though.
You can read about my work trip to Bangkok here.
Then I had to go to Jakarta again, but was able to catch up with Di over
a nice expensive dinner.
Jakarta, August 2015
You can read about my Indonesia trip here.
Istanbul has been on my bucket list forever so I was happy to tick it off.
What a wonderful place to visit.
Istanbul, August 2015
Athens, August 2015
Plus we got to squeeze in a visit to Greece too!
I must say, that trip has inspired me a lot, because this place, is where
Wanderlust "Athinas" Sandals was born.
Again, more in the milestones part of this post.
Hydra, August 2015
What a beautiful, beautiful stay in this Greek Isle
You can read my post on our Turkey Greece (Singapore and Malaysia) Trip here and here. More detailed posts, to follow.
Kuala Lumpur, August 2015
Travelling for work is always a good chance to see friends, and introduce
them to each other.
You can read my post our KL trip here, the trip that inspired Jewellery by Coley.
Taipei, September 2015
Another family foodie trip
Jakarta, September 2015
Another Indonesia work trip, where we absolutely love our extra luxurious
bus, with wi-fi, lazy-boy seats, refrigerator, and air-conditioned toilet.
Singapore, October 2015
Dung introduced me to authentic Vietnamese Food
very close to our office.
Ho Chi Minh City, October 2015
Vietnam trip with the boss, where he gamely let me drag him everywhere
I wanted to eat.
You can read about Bo Tung Xeo here.
Bangkok, October 2015
Where Roast, has become one of my favorite places, brunch or otherwise.
You can read about Roast here.
Ho Chi Minh, November 2015
Then I had to go back to Vietnam, which was a chance to finally catch up
with my friend Tran, and she cooked for me too.
Singapore, November 2015
Work brought me back to Singapore where I was able to spend some time
with Jenny Woon, who introduced me to the new ladies in Audit.
The best part about that trip was Sof and Yaya tagged
along with me, it felt just like coming home,
and we met Geronimo and Thea Stilton too.
Another One off the bucket list! Temple Run Cambodia
Siem Reap, November 2015
Then after landing, and napping, I flew straight to Indonesia!
But at least I got to swim and feed the fish.
Belitung Island, Indonesia, December 2015
Singapore Stopover Brunch with Sha
Singapore, December 2015
Last Trip of the Year where I only had time for Lunch with Cholo
Kuala Lumpur, December 2015
Ironically, due to alleged weather but more likely Changi Air Traffic Issues, I spent more time in Singapore (Changi Airport actually) than Kuala Lumpur. Good thing the food is good!
Saboten, Termnial 1
Singapore, December 2015
Paradise Dynasty, Terminal 3
Singapore, December 2015
Sorry for the lack of posts, towards the last of my trips. They are on the 2016 To Do List.

While the trips definitely kept me busy, the milestones were just as great.

Another year wiser.
Another year wiser for me, but my favorite part of my 36th birthday dinner,
was saying, Let's not stay late, I need to go to London tomorrow.
Sofia turned 8.
That's 8 years I am thankful to have her in my life.
My age is not a secret, but I really get a kick when people tell me, I don't look my age at all... or when they tell me Sof and I could be sisters.  Hahaha, seriously they do.

A new job and a new team.
I can honestly say I've never worked as hard as I do now.
I've never been as tired as I was before the holidays (thus all the naps).
But I don't think I've ever had this much fun or learned this much.
Looking forward to more good times with this team.

New projects.
I also gave birth to two babies, which I can't wait to see grow in 2016. 
And if you haven't noticed, all the logos are calligraphy by moi, Coley's Calligraphy. You can read about by DIY Calligraphy Journey here, which is also a milestone in itself.

Jewellery by Coley

Real Stones. Real Gold.
Stackable Rings and Much More. Coming Soon.
Gold Plated Sterling Silver Mobile Charms
Vintage British Charms that open or move
Sterling Silver Charms on 14k Gold Rings
Charms Rings. Stackable Rings too.

Inspired by Places, To take you Places
Athinas Sandals. Definitely inspired by my trip to Athens.
Real Leather Sandals, Really comfy too.
The prototypes were made to my specifications, and I personally test them too.
Athinas Sandals in Black Brown Croc Leather
Athinas Sandals in Champagne Gold Leather
I don't just have beautiful sandals, and beautiful photos, I have a beautiful model too. 
Photos for Wanderlust Sandals by The Style Cat herself, yukitansengco.com.

*wanderlust sandals available starting January 22, 2016, pre-orders accepted now.
Follow us on Instagram @wanderlustsandals

If there is one resolution or motto I have in 2016, it's Dream. Then Do.

No one is more surprised than me that I now have a Jewellery line and a Sandals line, and the matching inventory to boot, which were both born from good ideas and impulse decisions, which turned out much better than I expected. If there is something I've learned from that, it's that you need to make sure you do what you can to get what you want.

On the travelling front, who knows what my job will bring, but I totally stopped myself from buying tickets every time promo flights are available. I even had a heart to heart talk with Fi where I told her we can only plan 3 trips at the most, Paris and Florence, which is the only trip we've planned since last year included and her wish list includes:

1. Paris
2. Singapore
3. London - Ayayay! Hahaha. I just had to ask right.
Her next choices were Brazil, then New York, before we got to Hong Kong!

Looking forward to more travels in 2016, I think I just realized, the plane is one of the places where I do my best thinking. Can't wait to dream up more projects.  just saying.

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