Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sofia's Brother

Sofia told me around a month ago, " Mom, I want a baby brother." Since a brother is not exactly sold in the Supermarket, or even in high end stores like Chanel and LV for that matter, I decided we could just claim one! So since Lukey is Sofia's first cousin, and the only other baby in our family... I decided we are claiming Luke as her brother.

One of the good things about going back to Manila is we will be able to see Lukey more, and see him grow up. Spoilage included.

Sofia and her brother (that we claimed).
Sofia likes carrying Lukey but it's stressful for us because she might drop him.
When Lukey saw Sofia's toys, he wanted to eat everything!
He didn't know what to put in his mouth first.
He was Achi Sofia's customer in McDonald's.
He immediately ate the food that he ordered! Hahaha.

We miss you Lukey! Achi Sofia and I will be happy to see more of you!!! Just Saying.

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